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Order goal settings

Detailed information on settings for the Order Goal discount type

Gavyn Leavitt avatar
Written by Gavyn Leavitt
Updated over a month ago

Value Type

Denotes the type of discount that will be applied, either a percentage or fixed amount, to the order.

Excluded Variants

Specifies product variants to be excluded when calculating the total cart value.


Allows for the merchant to give varying discount amounts based on different cart values. Discounts are not cumulative, and thus each tier will replace the discount value of the previous tier.

Title override - This will be displayed instead of the discount title in the cart if specified. Currently only works for automatic discounts.

Minimum subtotal - Specifies the minimum value required in the cart to unlock the tier.

Percentage/Fixed amount off - Specifies the discount value that will be applied to the cart.

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