Condition type
Determines the type of cart condition that must be met before the discount will apply. The options are either a set quantity of products or a monetary amount.
Value type
Determines the type of discount that will be applied. The options are either a fixed amount off or a percentage.
Applies to
Determines whether the discount will apply to all products, a selection of products, or a collection.
Purchase Type
Determines if the discount applies to only subscription products, one-time purchase products, or both.
Exclude products with compare-at prices
This option will exclude products with compare-at prices from tier prerequisite totals. This is particularly useful when targeting a collection with the discount.
Group by
Determines how the discount will group the products before applying tier rules. Mix-and-match means that all products will count together toward each tier. Product and product variant options will apply tiers to each product or variant separately, allowing for products to have different discounts applied.
Title override - Overrides the discount title when the discount is displayed in the cart or checkout. Optional.
Minimum quantity/minimum subtotal - Determines the number of products, or total product value, required to apply the discount.
Percentage off/Fixed amount off - Determines the discount value that will be applied.