Creating the discount
Step 1 - Open your store's Discounts page and click Create discount
Step 2 - Scroll down to the Discount Kit section, which should now be available, and click Product volume
Step 3 - Fill in the desired settings and click Save. For detailed information on available settings, click here.
Related storefront components
Product Volume Table - Head to your theme editor and then to the product page. On the left-hand side, click Add block to add the Product Volume Table.
This is a purely informational component that informs customers of an available discount as well as where they sit within that discount for the current page's product.
Bundle Selector - As above, on the product page in your theme editor, click Add block and select the Bundle Selector from available app blocks.
This component gives customers the ability to quickly add a selection of products to satisfy an available discount. For the sake of clarity, it could be best to create a product page specific to products with discounts and remove the default variant picker and quantity selector components for that page. The Bundle Selector will handle all of that for you!